IIBF Exams
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IIBF Learning Center Exams

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After joining the CAIIB batch at Learning Sessions, I cracked the CAIIB exam 2024 and unlocked new opportunities in my banking career. The expert guidance and resources helped me discover my true potential and achieve success with confidence
Now you can clear the JAIIB 2023 exam in one attempt and that is for sure. We here at Learning Sessions create a platform so that it could be easier for you to cover all the important study material questions, previous year or memory recalled questions of all the four papers of JAIIB which are PPB- principles and practices of Banking, AFM - Accounting and Financial Management for Bankers, RBWM - Retail Banking & Wealth Management and IEIS - Indian Economy & Indian Financial Sytem.
We also provide full chapter wise video course which includes 150 hours+ of videos of the JAIIB exam. So if you go through this video study material and our question series then we assure you that you can clear all the papers of JAIIB in one attempt for sure.
JAIIB - Is AFM Really Difficult!!!
Many of the students find paper 3 that is AFM - Accounting and Financial Management for Bankers difficult but you need not to worry about this. Our finest study material of the JAIIB will help you a lot to learn accounting (AFM) in a very short time. Just in 7 days and you can learn all the concepts very easily. It covers full detailed videos, Case Study Questions, and Questions Series
Retail Banking & Wealth Management and Indian Economy & Indian Financial System Paper - NEW Exams in JAIIB 2023
IEIFS - Indian Economy & Indian Financial System first paper of JAIIB and RBWM - Retail Banking and Wealth Management which is 4th paper in JAIIB. These are two new exams the candidates are to write from May 2023 attempt. These both are theoretical exams majorly. Although you can find conceptual questions in RBWM 2023. But do not worry we have covered fully updated syllabus videos, numerical questions, and case study questions to meet up the level of JAIIB exam 2023 for sure success in JAIIB.
PPB Exam - Is this the Easiest?
Principles and practices of banking(PPB) exam is sought to be the easiest in the JAIIB. But don't take it lightly as the questions from the principles and practices exams these days or tricky. But our team at learning sessions have put best of their efforts to make it easier to understand all the concepts of principles and practices of Banking through case studies, examples, previous year memory recalled questions.
How Previous Year Questions are Covered?
The memory-recalled questions of all four papers of JAIIB are covered in the form of mock tests. So go through these mock tests carefully and bookmark the important questions of papers. If you have any doubt you can contact us anytime, the contact details are mentioned in the footer. In the end we wish you a very best of luck for the Upcoming exam of principles and practices of Banking, accounting and Finance for banking and legal and regulatory aspects of Banking. We hope we may provide you the best study material for the JAIIB paper in the industry.
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